Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Looks like it's just you and me kid

Hey Sarey just letting you know I'm almost caught up. I'm almost done with Section 1. I'm really sorry I've been such a slacker. With school and dance going again things are a little crazy as I'm sure they are for you too.

I am laughing so hard at Mr. Collins. He's a little too much like some dates I've had. Ugh. He is so icky but I can't stop laughing. It's fun for me to read this because I don't remember the plot. I've only seen the movie once. I know Darcy and Elizabeth end up together but everything else in the middle is pretty new for me. There are a lot of similarities between this and S&S. If you didn't know the author and just read the two books, you'd be able to tell the same person wrote them. I love her style and sense of humor. I love the descriptions of how Mr. Bennett feels about Mr. Collins. So hilarious.


1 comment:

Carr Family said...

awesome, I'm so glad you're enjoying the book so much! Yeah, I don't know what happened to our other two readers... are you out there ladies?