I hate to see our awesome book club fall by the wayside... but I know you are all just as busy as I am. I did finally finish P&P a couple of weeks ago. I loved it. I feel like I cheated my favorite book by barely posting about it. I had a hard time getting into it this time, I think because I didn't ever read it for a long stretch. It really caught my attention in the end though, the part when Elizabeth visits Pemberley for the first time is my favorite, and after that point I couldn't bear to put it down.
I'm a few chapters into Mansfield Park, and I am so thrilled to read a story that I don't know. I am really enjoying it so far... has anyone else started?
awesome! im so glad that you've started Mansfield I've been holding off till i got word that you guys were finished- now i consider it a go if you are on your way! i know that p&p must be the best Austen book but I'm still excited to read one that i have zero prior judgments about (i really mean that, i don't even know what it is about...let me guess sisters?). Also glad that you liked P&P but that isn't too surprising:) I totally got hooked at the same point. There was just so much awkwardness, stress, tension, anticipation, hopefulness in the scenes at Pemberley its hard to imagine putting it down after.
I know we can keep this up! lets get cracking...i thought maybe posting/commenting once weekly would be a great goal...too ambitious? I think we need a mission statement or something we all agree on so we don't flake out, you know?
agreed Paige! once a week:)
I don't know anything about Mansfield park either, but it had me hooked in the first chapter.
I'm also looking forward to Persuasion, I don't know that story either!
I'm a loser baby......so why don't ya kill me? I am not done with P&P. I became addicted to watching Friday Night Lights. A serious problem for reading. I am vowing to finish it before Sunday and begin Mansfield Park. Sorry everyone!
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